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The UWC National Committee of India

UWCs depend on the dedication and expertise of an active volunteer-based network called National Committees. The National Committee system is one of the unique features of UWC and National Committees operate in more than 150 countries to recruit, select and prepare students every year to join our colleges and schools. Whilst each committee operates as appropriate to its national context, all are overseen by the UWC International Board, and its secretariat based in the International Office in London.

The UWC National Committee of India is the official representative of UWC in the country and oversees the selection of candidates to all the UWC colleges across the world. All students are selected on merit regardless of race, creed, colour, background or ability to pay. Students also have the option of need based financial assistance via scholarships.

Our Mission

  • To select the best possible students that represent the diversity of India to enrich the UWC movement
  • To raise awareness about UWC in India and ensure a wider representation of applicants from different economic and cultural backgrounds
  • To nurture an enduring commitment to the UWC ideals in India
  • To extend support to students selected by the committee and their parents right from their selection to their journey at UWC
  • To engage with the UWC community in India or the Indian community around the world

Individuals who are interested to participate in and contribute to the National Committee's work can contact us at